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Quaresma ball.

Quaresma ball. Picture

Quaresma ball. photo or wallpaper

Quaresma ball.
Description: Quaresma ball. photo, Quaresma ball. pic, Quaresma ball. wallpaper, Quaresma ball. picture, Quaresma ball. pic, picture of Quaresma ball.
Keywords: Quaresma ball. picture, Quaresma ball. image, Quaresma ball. photo, Quaresma ball. wallpaper, Quaresma ball. pic, Quaresma ball., Quaresma ball. desktop
Date: 17.06.2009 01:24
Hits: 113309
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Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 111.7 KB

City: Neuchatel
Caption writer: AF LE
Byline: Armando Franca
Copyright Notice: AP/PA Photos
Headline: Soccer Euro 2008 Training Portugal
Credit: AP/PA Photos
Date created: 10.06.2008
Caption: Forward Ricardo Quaresma plays with a ball during a training session of the national soccer team of Portugal in Neuchatel, Switzerland Tuesday, June 10, 2008. Portugal is in group A at the Euro 2008 European Soccer Championships in Austria and Switzerland. (AP Photo/Armando Franca)
Special instructions: UK picture buyers only XAF113
Source: AP
Category: S
Supplemental category: Other Soccer
Original transmission reference: ap-live-20080610-172205-soccer_euro_2008_training_portugal_xaf113.jpg
Country: Switzerland
Object name: 6033034

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